Buried on the Property
A woman insisted on being buried next to her husband on her rural property, even though it was illegal. She refused to clarify if her husband had been cremated, adding to the mystery.
A Trip to the Zoo
One man requested that his family visit the zoo immediately after his funeral, creating a whimsical way for them to remember him.
The Elvis Impersonator
A wealthy uncle left his entire estate to an Elvis impersonator, leaving his rarely-seen family stunned and empty-handed.
The Guilty Beneficiary
A multi-millionaire left their fortune to their son, who had been responsible for their death but was declared legally insane. The son, residing in a mental institution, would call the bank annually to request $50 for snacks.
Revenge with Cats
Parents left only their family cats to their children as revenge, because the kids had forced them to adopt the pets despite hating them.
A Gift for the City Council
After a battle with eminent domain, one man left the contents of his outhouse to the city council. His children delivered magazines and books from the outhouse to City Hall as a final jest.
The Surprised Taxi Driver
A woman left her estate to her regular taxi driver, who was unaware of the gift until after her death. Her close friend, the previous beneficiary, contested the will, but it was upheld.
The Hidden Fortune with Strings Attached
A grandmother left a “hidden fortune” to her grandson, contingent on him living in her run-down trailer for a year without upgrades, volunteering at an animal shelter for two years, and writing an essay on humility. Grandma ensured her legacy came with valuable life lessons.
These stories highlight how wills can be filled with humor, bitterness, or generosity. Sometimes they provide closure, and other times they open new chapters of surprise and drama. Whether heartwarming or strange, the tales left behind often endure longer than the inheritances themselves.
People Reveal the Craziest Wills They Ever Saw